08: Exploring the Challenge Zone





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  • Characteristics of Activities with High Intellectual Quality:
    • Higher order thinking
    • Disciplined inquiry
    • Construction of knowledge
    • Deeper knowledge & understanding
    • Transfer of knowledge to novel contexts
    • Analyze & synthesize information
    • Explaining ideas
    • Asking questions
    • Thinking creatively and critically
    • Designing and planning
    • Self assessing and reflecting
    • Cross curricular connections
    • Adult-like roles and tasks
    • Connect concrete and abstract knowledge
  • 7 Intellectual Practices
    1. Mimic thinking and reasoning patterns of content experts
    2. Transform learning for different audiences and contexts
    3. Sustained academic conversations
    4. Connect concrete and abstract knowledge
    5. Connect written, spoken and other forms of communication to make meaning
    6. Critique knowledge and information
    7. Use meta-language while learning (talking about language)
.Characteristics of high intellectual quality and 7 intellectual practices can be used to create checklists to evaluate and revise a portfolio of scaffolding activities associated with a project.  The characteristics of high intellectual quality describe components of a good PBL unit.  This validates the work that goes into designing and implementing projects.


Preparation Steps
  • Develop checklists based on the characteristics of high intellectual quality and the 7 intellectual practices to evaluate groupings of scaffolding activities
  • Use checklists to identify what characteristics and practices are critical to scaffolding specific project products
  • Research strategies that relate to specific intellectual characteristics and practices
  • Design scaffolding that aligns to identified intellectual characteristics and practices
  • Design assessments that provide evidence that students are developing critical intellectual skills
Early Implementation Steps
  • Implement scaffolding activities that demonstrate intellectual characteristics and utilize intellectual practices that support specific project products
  • Use assessments to determine whether or not students are learning targeted intellectual skills
Advanced Implementation Steps
  • Identify key characteristics and practices that need to be spiraled throughout the curriculum because they are vital to the discipline
  • Develop standardized routines and checklists that describe the critical skills and characteristics identified in previous bullet point
  • Use prompts to get students to reflect on the development of key intellectual skills over several projects
  • Create student friendly learning targets that describe various levels of intellectual skills
  • Communicate learning targets and use prompts to have students provide evidence that they are progressing towards the learning targets



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